One Stop Shop Solar Grants

One Stop Shop Dublin Solar Grants

What is Solar PV?

Solar PV (photovoltaic) captures the energy of the sun so it can be converted into usable energy. This energy can be used to power up a variety of equipment and appliances within the home. Made out of silicone and other semiconducting materials, these panels collect sunlight and create an electric field. They’re available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can easily be mounted on the roof as they require access to direct sunlight.

One Stop Shop Dublin Solar Grants through the SEAI

Discover the power of sustainable solar energy with SEAI One Stop Shop grants offering up to €2,400 for solar panels. Cleaner, more efficient living with these grants, is now complemented by a 0% VAT rate. Solar panels can elevate your home’s energy profile while contributing to a greener future, all made more easy through these SEAI grants.

Contact our team to learn more about SEAI One Stop Shop Dublin Solar Grants.

SEAI Grants Dublin Ireland Solar Panels
One Stop Shop Retrofit Grants South Circular Road 2


  • An affordable way of producing clean green energy to reduce your carbon emissions;
  • Solar photovoltaic panels can also produce hot water, using surplus electricity, at a lower cost and lead to big energy savings
  • No need for maintenance
  • Our Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels convert daylight to electricity efficiently;
  • The most cost-effective way to meet the requirements of the renewable under Part L of the building code;
  • Easy to fit with no pipework or pumps
  • A typical 4kWp system will save you around €850 per year from your electricity bills.
  • It will raise your BER and in future, if you renting or selling your home it will add value to the sales price

Looking to improve your Home Energy Rating (BER)? Complete our 2-minute questionnaire to get started with your home energy upgrade.

Step 1 of 2

About Your Home

What upgrades are you particularly interested in?***(Required)
***Please ensure you select a minimum of three upgrades above.
Is there anything in your attic space?